lausd daily pass loginis camille winbush related to angela winbush
var moveDropzones = jQuery(".jsMoveDropzone"); }; } #sortable li.tall-placeholder { } dragOverlayClass: this.dragOverlayClass, { var title = target.val(); this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsSlideshowDuration a"); height: 16px; * .sl-chrome-sitemap__table-list__holder { top: -10px; All schools have surgical masks available for distribution upon request to any student or employee. /* margin-bottom: 5px; { */ } background-position: 0 -204px; height: 100%; } newField.val(newValue); Enrollment. } input[type=text_input], input[type=text], input[type=password], textarea, .date_time_input { }); * margin-left:5px; } drop: function(draggedID, destinationID) }; justify-content: flex-end; var variables = {}; .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_header .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light .sl-cms2-minustext{ this.dialogArea.dialog("close"); if (sl.verifyFileType(uploadFile) == false) { cursor: pointer; } this.moduleToolbar.toolbarTools["link-advanced"].setLink(attributes); callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setPromoAttributeSuccess, this), if (code == sl.keyboard["ENTER"]) { height: 100%; padding: 5px 10px; align-content: flex-start; width: -moz-calc(100% - 18px); jQuery(document).find(".sl-cms2-module-dropzone-arrow-up, .sl-cms2-module-dropzone-arrow-down").removeClass("sl-cms2-module-dropzone-arrow-up sl-cms2-module-dropzone-arrow-down"); justify-content: center; left: 0px; .form-field-editable { linksArea.html(data); zoom: 1; color: #000 !important; }); color: #fff; .sl-cms2-template-colors__color-box-color-medium { { } justify-content: center; color:#002f60 display: inline-block; isCropppieActive: function () { .sl-cms2-sitemap__hover-zone-top, this.drop(draggedID, destination) display: flex; background-color: #fff; for (var toolName in this.toolbarTools) { .cms2-calendar-schedule-display__event-description { { .sl-chrome-create-page__selector-thumbnail { __init__: function(holder, url, wait, interval, button) background-image: none; justify-content: center; } } }, var leftMargin = bodyWidth * .1; background-color: #fdd795; }, } destroyCroppie: function () { jQuery.ajax({ cursor: pointer; isOpen: function (target) { + this.selectableClass, SelectableModule.selectHandler); }); html: dialogHtml, .sl-cms2-sites-2nd-school-template-card-preview__image { width:600px; */ .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__list-item { } dialogLinkCallback: function (data) { -moz-box-shadow: #d2d2d2 0px 0px 6px; .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--ul { } .jsProgressItemTemplate{ url: "/pf4/cms2/setSlideshowProperties", var DropdownWidth = ToolbarTools.$extend({ clickHandler: function (ev) { this.$super(toolbar); this.doToggle() color: #000; .sl-cms2-module-menu { .sl-cms2-menu-alt-vertical__swatch_palette_secondary { }, ".jsModuleTitle:first, .jsModuleSubTitle:first"); "z-index": 12, color: #fff; iframeLoadHandler: function (event) { padding: 15px; width: auto; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset; this.emptyImageURL = emptyImageURL; margin: 2px 5px 2px 0; this.$super(toolbar); if (targetModule.nextAll(".cms2-selectable-module").length > 0) { //not last in column width: auto; } jQuery("#" + id).change(jQuery.proxy(this.changeHandler, this)); .sl-cms2-footer__school-loop-container, width: 138px; __init__: function (toolbar) { var variables = {}; SelectFile : function() { .data("id", this.blockElement.attr("jsid")); } } editorHandler: this, var dialog = new Dialog(dialogData); .sl-cms2-module-picker-large-preview:hover .sl-cms2-module-picker-large-preview-edit-overlay { position: relative; }, variables["http_link_form_data"] = this.formDataID; transform: skew(0deg, -6deg); addVideoHandler: function (e, data) { background: #fff !important; this.dialogPopup ={ position: absolute; var CalendarOptions = ToolbarTools.$extend({ } color: #036; .sl-table__tr--highlight { this.findButtons(data); vertical-align: top; result = this.fileStatusMap[fileName]; this.jsModuleToolbarContainer.find("#jsTextToolsHolderId").attr("id", "jsContextMenuTextTools"); sl.addAjaxScope(variables); border-color: #ff0; */ width: 5%; display: -webkit-flex; context: this, }, this.toggleDrawer() LAUSD to Launch Daily Pass Health Check System. Here's How It Works width: 80%; -moz-border-radius: 3px; } -webkit-border-radius: 3px; /*width: 90px;*/ } height: 10px; }, } else if (selectType == "web") { flex-direction: column; this.croppieActive = true; if (result == null) { flex: 0 0 auto; background-color: #eee; variables["field_value"] = value; "strip-if-embedded": "StripIfEmbedded", font-style: italic; display: flex; click: jQuery.proxy(this.dialogItemClickHandler, this) padding: 5px; } color:#ffffff foundElement = element; } padding: 10px 20px; "z-index": 1, if (this.contents.find(".success").length > 0) { }, position: absolute; svg) 3 px center no-repeat; .sl-cms2-sites-homepage-card-footer__right-div { } border: none; }, * if (title != null) { //used for TitleSubtitle toolbar dialog callback } .classroom_edit_assignment_button_area #title { } */ this.setupElementQueries(); } } properties["id"] = id; this.$super(toolbar); background: #FFB300 url( right top no-repeat; background: transparent url( no-repeat -1px -212px; display: inline-block; justify-content: center; changeHandler: function(event) //sl.log("init LineStyle"); } /* module menu dropdowns -- RW rusty */ .sl-chrome-conversion-status__info-text { clickHandler: function (ev) { }, Go to the official LAUSD Schoology login page at Kindly select an option (either as a student, parent or employee) on the homepage Enter your username and password in the fields provided. jQuery.ajax({ }, }); } } this.editorHandler.selectFromLockerHandler(event); jQuery.extend(variables, resize_options) } var attributes = { }, justify-content: space-between; * }) preventImageDragging: function () { } else { { display: inline-block; * var options = { } .sl-cms2-bg-interior .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light { this.setGoogleId(attributes); Los Angeles Unified will continue to collaborate with our health partners at the county and state levels, as well as our panel of medical experts and university partners. .sl-cms2-bg-theme_header .sl-cms2-bg-accent .sl-cms2-minustext{ var html = this.getHTMLOfSelection(); } height:15px; }; } -webkit-border-radius: 5px; .sl-column-container__width-34, true : false; jQuery("#" + this.moduleID).find(".SelectableHilite").removeClass("SelectableHilite"); border: 5px solid #cccccc; }); white-space: nowrap; groupID: this.groupID if ( this.timeoutTriggered == false ) font-size: 13px; this.titleDisplay = titleDisplay; }; /* font-size: 175%; dropzone: null }, .cms2-selectable-module__module_title.ui-draggable-dragging .cms2-selectable-module__module_title { variables["edit_form_data"] = formDataID; { jQuery(clearID).on("click", jQuery.proxy(this.clearValue, this)); font-size: 13px; width: 100%; } height: "100%", menu.removeClass("display-none").addClass("display-block"); var isVisible = this.toggleDropdown(); .sl-cms2-menu-alt-vertical__item:focus, }; }, }, title: title error: function () { min-width: 200px; text-align: right; this.currentDialog.find(".vex-first, .vex-last").hide();//hide buttons .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__text-no-drop { delete this.fileStatusMap[name]; this.openedDialog = false; .cms2-selectable-module--hover__column_space__add::before { //api width: "1024px", //this.dialogArea.dialog(); top: 0; flex-wrap: wrap; /*RW placeholder */ /* var result = EditCMS2Page.GetUpdateBlockURL(); __init__: function (toolbar) { color: green; .sl-cms2-template-colors__color-box-color--selected { } } min-height: 450px; this.iframeHolderElement.css({ var buttonOffsetLeft = this.button.offset().left .sl-cms2-bg-interior .sl-cms2-bg-accent_light .sl-cms2-minustext{ this.buttons = options.buttons || null; //setUpListener font-size: 12px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; float: left; flex-direction: column; if ((data != null) && (data != false)) { Register for an account If you are requesting a device and have a Parent Portal account, select option 1. background-color: yellow; right: -15px; margin-bottom: 5px; background-position: 0px -600px; Los purificadores de aire se despliegan en zonas de alta densidad y en zonas con mltiples casos positivos relacionados. } NEW INFORMATION Parents and Community Members: // debugger; color: #999999; jQuery("#" + this.exampleID).css("background-color", ""); "left": leftDifferential text-transform: uppercase; box-shadow: 0 2px 2px #999; }); color:#191919 } dialogCallback: jQuery.proxy(this.dialogLinkCallback, this), transition: background-color .3s ease-in; .form-richtext { background-position: 0px -1800px; } placeholder: 'ui-placeholder', font-size: 20px; } A parent account allows you to: Apply to multiple school choice programs offered by LA Unified: eChoices (Magnet, Permits With Transportation and Dual Language), Zones of Choice, Incoming Inter-District Permits, District K-12 Open Enrollment, Conservatory of Fine Arts, Virtual Academy, etc. width: calc(100% - 18px); jQuery("#section_" + id).show(); cursor: move; }, /* else { variables["field_name"] = this.fieldName; text-decoration: underline; }); }, this.toggleDropdown(); setAltText: function (attributes) { sl.log("setBlockTitleJustification with ", this.attributes) var variables = { // copied from sl.log("url options", resize_options) .sl-chrome-accessibility-report__table-row { margin-top: 15px; background: #4a9f05; .sl-cms2-rss_item__title { .sl-cms2-bg-wrapper_footer .sl-cms2-bg-accent .sl-cms2-minustext{ sl.log("selectFromLockerHandler"); border: 1px solid #ccc; background:#f6f6f6; var richTextEditor = RichTextEditor.findRichTextEditor(textArea); .sl-cms2-sites-status-card-header__status-in-use { } callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setPromoAttributeSuccess, this), .sl-cms2-dropdown-menu__color-picker-list--all { imageMaxWidth: 1920, line-height: 1.5em; }, The science is clear vaccinations are an essential part of protection against COVID-19. dialog.createDialogWithHtml(); this.blockElement.trigger("jsModuleDeselected"); padding: 5px; .cms2-selected-module-handle { border: 2px solid #fff; color: red; } var variables = { this.$super(toolbar); /* padding: 0 1em; font-size: 12px; display:none; + AccordionDropdowns.buttonClass + ".current"); }); margin: 0 10px 0 0; .sl-cms2-toolbar__icon-button--link { + AccordionDropdowns.buttonClass; if (target.hasClass("jsRemoveBackground")) { } font-family: lato, arial, san-serif; radioChangeHandler: function (event) { padding: 2px 5px; width: 390px; } } } this.url = options.url; box-shadow: 0px 8px 10px #aaa, 0px, 0px; this.close(); border-radius: 5px; sl.log("saveSubTitle subtitle", subtitle); #sl-cms2__skip-to-main-content:focus { borderRadiusTopLeft: validatedValue, }; jQuery("#" +;//options var variables = {} e.g (, 2013 MicrosoftHome cursor: pointer; this.editorHandler.cropImageHandler(); * * Copyright (c) 2004-2018, School Loop, Inc. All Rights Reserved. this.setFolderID(initialValue); } LAUSD on the App Store width: 73px !important; toggleDropdownElement: function (button, container, hiddenContent) { data: variables, cursor: pointer; this.blockElement.removeClass("cms2-start-of-template"); text-decoration: none; this.drawerIframeWrapper.hide("slide", {direction: "right"}, 400); .sl-cms2-title-bar__breadcrumb:focus, height: newHeight .cms2-preview-module--iframe-holder { event.formOptionalToggle = true; .sl-chrome-sitemap__fa-lock { target.val(validatedValue) fileDropDoneHandler: function (e, data) { var variables = { attributePrefix: "" } attributePrefix: "" border: 0; display: inline-block; sl.log("value:" + value + " src:" + src); .form-richtext { } } outline: 3px solid yellow; margin-bottom: 2px; attributes: attributes, this.blockElement.addClass("cms2-selectable-module--selected jsSelectedModule"); this.refreshURL = refreshURL; text-align: center; data: this.additonalData margin: 0 0 0 -5px; width: 60%; .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--25-75 { __init__: function (formDataID, fieldName, fieldID, groupID, blockID, refreshURL, newLinkURL, uploadFileURL, } .sl-chrome-group-membership__head-cell--expanding { .sl-cms2-footer__school-loop-container-inner { { .sl-cms2-locker-files-table { .sl-cms2-sites-status-card-header__status-inidcator { url: link, url: url, } this.$super(toolbar); background: transparent url( no-repeat -99px -161px; }, display: flex; padding: 0 15px; width: 300px; background: #fd9827; display: flex; color:#002f60 "start-template": "ToggleStartTemplate", }; }, } var block_id = this.blockID; __classvars__: { this.contents.find("#page_title").remove(); var progress = Math.floor(data.loaded / * 100); min-height: 65px; color: #fff; var variables = {}; block.find("." this.setFormID(formID); { context: this, sl.log("clickHandler button tareget", this.button); jQuery("#" + this.titleDisplay).hide(); } .sl-chrome-create-page__selector-radio { width: 800, .form-date-range .form-date-input { } sl.alert("Sorry, mp4 and mov are the only supported video formats.") variables["field_name"] = name; display: inline-block; success: function(data) { this.jsModule.on({"click": jQuery.proxy(this.clickHandler, this)}, "." .jsDropdownCheckbox .jsDropButton { imageElement.setAttribute('src', src); jQuery("#" + this.titleDisplay).text(title); padding: 12px 35px 3px 35px; 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var SLFormDialogManipulate = SLFormDialog.$extend({ border-radius: 5px; margin-left: 20px; variables["http_link_form_data"] = this.formDataID; } .form-slider input { height: 36px; background-image: url(; background-color: #3e8e41; if (editorHandler != null) { cursor: pointer; itemsContainer: this.jsProgressItemHolder this.editorHandler.selectFromLockerHandler(); color:#ffffff } event.stopPropagation() }); } text-decoration: none; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border: 1px #f90 solid; background:#fff; this.aTagList.push(jQuery(element)); border-width: 2px; border: 1px solid #ccc; display:none; { jQuery(element).addClass("sl_element_query_ipad_landscape") var DateTime = Class.$extend({ border: 1px solid #e0e1e4; }, height: 20px; El Distrito Unificado de Los ngeles present la ms grande red de control del aire en las escuelas del pas, ". if (this.moduleToolbar.toolbarTools["subtitle"] != null) { click: jQuery.proxy(this.parentClickHandler, this), } border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; flex-direction: row; .sl-cms2-page-modules__icon-button--files { box-shadow: 0px -2px 2px #999; } }, this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsCssClass"); padding: 10px; this.$super(toolbar); } } url: '/pf4/cms2/choose_new_block?mod=module_list', this.field = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsAltTextModule input"); editorHandler: this, { padding: 10px 15px 15px 15px !important; this.button = this.jsToolbar.find(".jsTwitterName"); }, this.currentDialog.find(".vex-first").hide(); success: jQuery.proxy(this.saveAspectRatioSuccessHandler, this) } this.getFormArea().empty(); position: absolute; border-radius: 2px; this.editorHandler.selectFromAssetsHandler(event); callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setAttributeSuccess, this), color: #fff; .cms2-calendar-schedule-display__event-location { border-radius: 5px; .sl-cms2-module-picker-large-preview { this.fileDropFallback = null; background: transparent url( no-repeat -50px -12px; buttonClickHandler: function (event) { font-size: 12px; Answer the daily health check questions (not more than a two-minute process!) .sl-cms2-menu-alt-vertical ul { }, color:#575757 initFileDrop: function(){ ajaxContent.success(jQuery.proxy(this.addAjaxContent, this)); } background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0%,#f2f2f2 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */ } } background: transparent; .sl-cms2-bg-interior { position: relative; "; text-decoration: none; newField.attr("id", id + "_multiplevalue"); this.removeImage(); box-sizing: border-box; moduleToolbarContainerID: "id-cms-toolbar", clear: both; background-repeat: no-repeat; } }, var id = jQuery(this).attr("id"); padding: 30px 30px 25px 30px; var width = this.blockElement.width(); .sl-chrome-site-center-tools__name { var current = jQuery(".jsDropdownMenu ." background-position: 0px -1000px; -moz-user-select: auto; /* Firefox */ this.context.addClass("sl-cms2-upload-progress-holder--active") -moz-border-radius: 2px; jQuery(".jsAnchorMenuTarget").each(jQuery.proxy(this.addMenuItem, this)); } margin: 0 0 10px 0; .sl-cms2-locker-tree__children-my-lockers { min-height: 23px; result = false; var isVisible = this.toggleDropdown(); } text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; .sl-cms2-admin-bar--blue .sl-cms2-admin-bar__tab-item--selected { #sortable input[type="text"][disabled], input[type="textarea"][disabled], textarea.form-display { LAUSD School Forms & Resources. //saveBackgroundRegion: function (backgroundWidthClass) { } height: 160px; data: variables, margin-left:-125px; .horizontal_form_elements .wide_input_box { slideDownCallback: function () { padding-left: 0px; var id = jQuery("js_id"); }); var dialog = new Dialog(dialogData); margin-left:5px; top: 5px; } { var attributes; border: 5px dashed #f90; position:absolute; } .comment-area .form-field-label { } .sl-chrome-sitemap__sortable-placeholder { border-bottom: 5px solid #; } return result; .jsDropButton:active { .file-upload { } this.hideDropdown(this.container) this.editorHandler.openOptionsDialog(); } { 10% { } var dialogArea = this.getFormArea(); } jQuery.each(blocksWithAccordions, jQuery.proxy(this.checkIfWithoutTitle, this)) justify-content: center; } jQuery(window).height() - this.drawerButton.offset().top + jQuery(window).scrollTop() - 150 : jQuery(window).height() -150; } align-content: center; } * variables["field_name"] = this.fieldName; e.preventDefault(); "social-media-links": "SocialMediaLinks", success: options.callback var isVisible = this.toggleDropdown(); background-color: #e6f2d4; .sl-cms2-link-list__placeholder { } }; margin: 0 10px 0 0; margin: 0 auto 5px auto; var setupAjax = jQuery.ajax({ saveNameSuccessHandler: function () { var movingId ="id"); border: 5px dashed #999; var buttonID = jQuery(element).attr("id"); callback: jQuery.proxy(this.setImageOfferCaptionSuccess, this), var dialogData = { padding: 10px 15px; text-decoration: none; .sl-cms2-lollipop-add-below, .sl-cms2-lollipop-add-above, .sl-cms2-lollipop-across-bar { sl.log("CMS2DropdownMegaDynamic init buttonSelector", this.buttonSelector) overflow: auto; block_id: this.editorHandler.getBlockID(), text-decoration: none; flex-direction: row; border: 0; deselectButtonClickHandler: function () { border-style: solid; -moz-border-radius: 5px; Learn about requirements."); var pageParameterValue ="page-parameter-value"); } } } keyup: jQuery.proxy(this.keyupInlineHandler, this) .sl-cms2-locker-files-table__tr { margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center; //Tool classes require border-style: solid; type: "GET", url: this.newLinkURL, + AccordionDropdowns.buttonClass; display: flex; display: block; dialogItemClickHandler: function (event) { .addClass("sl-cms2-context-menu jsContextmenu") position: absolute; } var attributes = { } },this) setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(this.updateField, this), 5000); }; url: "/pf4/cms2/setBlockFormat",
Police Incident Stirling Today,
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